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Tee Tomitsuka


Personal Trainer

Born and raised along the picturesque coast of the Seto Inland Sea in Yamaguchi Prefecture, I've harbored a deep admiration for foreign cultures since childhood.

At the tender age of 8, I was profoundly moved by the anime masterpiece "Galaxy Express 999", a transformative experience that would shape my life's trajectory.


Enthralled by the captivating adventures portrayed in this sci-fi romance, where a young boy embarks on interstellar journeys aboard the Galaxy Express 999, encountering mystifying escapades alongside a mysterious beauty at each celestial stop.

This fascination ignited within me an insatiable curiosity for the unknown realms of foreign lands.


Determined to bridge cultural divides, I immersed myself in the study of English, eventually leading me to spend a quarter of a century living abroad.

Following my graduation from a university in Tokyo, I briefly pursued a career as a salaryman before embarking on my international odyssey.


At the age of 27, I ventured to the United Kingdom, and in 2008, I made the vibrant city of Cape Town, South Africa, my home.


However, after twenty-five years of exploration and discovery, I felt the pull of my roots, prompting my return to Yamaguchi Prefecture at the close of 2023.

Presently, I've transformed a corner of my residence into a fully-equipped home gym, where I combine my extensive experience in personal training with my passion for facilitating cross-cultural communication through English conversation.


With over two and a half decades of expertise honed across three diverse metropolises - Tokyo, London, and Cape Town - I'm committed to guiding others on their journey to holistic wellness and cultural enrichment.

Personal Training

I began practicing Kendo at the age of 6, later adding Karate and Jiu Jitsu to my repertoire. Currently, I continue to practice my original martial art, which integrates the various disciplines I have learned over the years, including the practical application of Tonfa from Okinawan Kobudo.


Fitness and martial arts are inseparable, making my history in fitness quite extensive.

The genesis of my career as a personal trainer traces back to my university days in Tokyo.


It all started with a casual request from the president of the company where I worked part-time.


He remarked, "Tee, I seem to be getting less exercise lately.


How about helping me get in shape?" Responding with a nonchalant "Sure, I understand," I embarked on my journey.


I began conducting personal training sessions with him twice a week in the park.


After each session, he would express his gratitude with a fee equivalent to a day's worth of my part-time job, along with words of appreciation.


It was then that I realized, "This job suits me."

In the early 1990s, when personal trainers and fitness gyms were not yet widely recognized in Japan, I can proudly say that I was among the pioneers of personal training in the country.


I continued this endeavor as a side job even during my time in London. In South Africa, I obtained qualifications to work as a full-time professional. Sometimes, I worked with major gym chains, and at other times, I operated as a freelancer.

During my time in Cape Town, I encountered a diverse range of clients, each with their unique goals.


I always made it a point to provide personalized, courteous guidance tailored to their individual levels and paces, aiming to help them achieve their respective objectives.


My experience as a personal trainer in South Africa, in an environment vastly different from Japan in every aspect, is truly invaluable to me.

Core Strength Fitness

My fitness philosophy, Core Strength Fitness, has evolved through a combination of foundational exercise physiology learned at personal training schools, insights from martial arts mentors, and my own innovative approaches.


While it encompasses the essence of strength training, allow me to delve deeper into its intricacies.

Core Strength Fitness prioritizes strength training with a central focus on the core (the hara), aiming to simultaneously enhance muscle strength and improve joint mobility.


Conscious attention is dedicated to breath control, with the goal of optimizing respiratory capacity.


By integrating these elements, Core Strength Fitness aims to cultivate a body that moves fluidly, even well beyond the age of 50.

To achieve this, the emphasis lies on solidity rather than showiness, eschewing reliance on bulky equipment and minimizing both physical and mental stress.


Consistency is paramount, serving as the cornerstone of progress.

Accessible to individuals of all fitness levels, Core Strength Fitness is designed to sculpt well-defined muscles, boost strength, enhance overall body flexibility, and promote a supple physique.


Moreover, it contributes to aesthetic improvements, aids in weight loss, and serves as a potent anti-aging tool.

This is the essence of Core Strength Fitness.


My journey with yoga began in my early thirties while living in London. Prioritizing physical exercise over holistic care eventually caught up with me.


I experienced a loss of sensation in my right leg, accompanied by excruciating pain radiating from the base of my spine to the crown of my head.


Medical examinations, including CT scans, confirmed a diagnosis of a herniated disc.

Despite doctors recommending surgery as the sole treatment option, I hesitated.


I exhaustively explored alternative methods – acupuncture, herbal medicine, acupressure, physiotherapy, and more – yet found no relief, teetering on the edge of despair.

In the depths of my struggle, a flyer of a local yoga studio on a supermarket bulletin board caught my eye:


"Remarkable Relief for Back Pain! First Lesson Free!"


With nothing to lose, I decided to give it a try.

During a yoga session, while practicing the Plough Pose, I experienced an unfamiliar sensation – a tingling, icy electric shock-like feeling coursing through my spine.


It sparked a glimmer of hope.


From that moment, I fully immersed myself in yoga, viewing it as my last resort and embracing it wholeheartedly.

Over the course of two years, my symptoms gradually improved.


While my herniated disc remains, yoga has honed my introspective abilities and equipped me with techniques to manage my condition by fostering flexibility in my body.


Thanks to yoga, I can now engage in physical activities without hindrance.

Yoga is my lifeline.


To this day, I dedicate at least an hour each day to practicing yoga for my own well-being.

Returning to Cape Town, it's impossible not to be captivated by its breathtaking beauty – a city adorned with rugged, majestic landscapes, bathed in the warm embrace of the sun.


Eager to share this splendor with people in Japan, I embarked on a journey of tour guiding alongside my personal training endeavors.


Until the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown, I delighted in guiding clients to iconic destinations such as the Cape of Good Hope, Table Mountain, and the Winelands, crafting unforgettable memories together.

Despite the allure of Cape Town, the social landscape of Africa differs starkly from that of Japan.


While I won't dwell on the challenges, I'm grateful for the invaluable experiences gained from my 15-year sojourn in this vibrant continent.


As 2022 drew to a close, I felt a stirring to mark a new chapter in both my personal and professional lives, prompting my return home to Shunan, Yamaguchi Prefecture, after a quarter-century abroad – a decade in the UK and 15 years in South Africa.

Reflecting on my journey, I am deeply indebted to the individuals whose support made my adventures possible.


Alongside this gratitude, I've embraced the profound truth that "health is wealth," irrespective of location or occupation.


It's the cornerstone upon which we navigate life's challenges and savor each moment.

Now, more than ever, I recognize the importance of maintaining good health.


This realization transcends boundaries and resonates universally across cultures and generations.


As a personal trainer committed to fostering health and well-being, I take immense pride in my profession.

With this ethos in mind, I've transformed a room in my Yamaguchi Prefecture home into Zen Home Gym Fitness, offering online personal training services to clients worldwide.


It would be my greatest pleasure to share my knowledge and experience with you.

I eagerly await the opportunity to connect with you in the future.

Tee Tomitsuka

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